I did the early voting thing on Friday down here in Orlando.  Some of the
locations were reporting 2+ hour waits, but it was about 45 minutes wait for
me.  I had the day off, so the wait wasn't bad, but I'm quite puzzled about
the people waiting 2+ hours around here, or as long as 10+ hours in the
Atlanta area, from the reports I've seen.
Can there really be THAT many people unable to vote on election day, that
they need to get on a line to wait 10 hours (or even 2+ hours) to vote?
 There's a ton more voting locations open on election day, and I've never
had to wait more that 20 minutes or so to vote then.  Even with the
increased turnout this year, I can't imagine 10 hour lines on election day
itself - particularly with the early vote being so popular this year.
 Anyone else do early voting?  How long did you wait?  Would you have waited
2+ hours to do it early?

I was surprised by the lack of supporters or even signs at the voting
location.  I saw one small Obama sign and some local runners of either party
along the road, and that's it.  Maybe they save that stuff for election day.

The local paper (Orlando Sentinel) reported last week that in early voting
turnout, african-american turnout was up, as widely predicted, but the youth
(under 35) turnout was actually quite a bit lower than expected - Obama's
popularity among the younger crowd had been expected to drive up turnout.
 From what I saw, there weren't many under-35's at my location, either.
 (Sadly, I don't fall under the "youth" category, even with that broad

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