On Mon, 3 Nov 2008, Dave Land wrote:

Man threatens two Christians, may lose an eye

COLORADO SPRINGS — A man who came to the home of two women whom he had
threatened to decapitate with a knife received a blow to the head that
could cost him an eye, according to Colorado Springs police.

Russell Bowman, who claims to be an atheist, threatened the women
because they are Christian on Sept. 8. On Friday, he arrived at their
apartment and stood in a hallway, according to a police report.

"Another resident of the apartment retrieved a shotgun and approached
Bowman, who was by then walking away. The resident ordered Bowman to
put the knife down," according to the report.

Bowman refused and approached the resident, who hit him with the butt
of the shotgun, injuring his eye.

"Bowman was treated at Memorial Hospital where it was determined the
injury to the eye was so severe, the eye would need to be surgically
removed," the report said.

There's a huge difference between atheists, even militant ones, and psychos who go around attacking other people on the basis of what religion the other people subscribe to.

And psychos who attack other people for whatever reason are asking for whatever the intended victims dish out in self-defense.

(FWIW, this is not the first time I've heard of someone losing an eye due to an injury bestowed by a woman he was trying to harm. In that case, the intent was rape of someone he thought would be an easy target. She turned out not to be.)


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