At 06:47 PM Tuesday 11/4/2008, John Williams wrote:
>On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 3:43 PM, Jon Louis Mann 
> >  you know very well what i mean about being forced to accept a 
> usurious interest rate, because "people like me" don't have 
> disposable capital and high credit ratings.
>Actually, I don't know what you mean, which is why I asked. If you
>don't like the terms of the loan, then why borrow the money?

Because your wife said "If I have to spend another month in this 
{deleted] apartment instead of a real house, I'm going to take the 
kids and leave you"?

(IOW, more seriously, might there sometimes be other factors that at 
least seem to outweigh that one?)

. . . ronn!  :)


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