For the first time in a long time, I'm feeling quite proud of what this
country has done.  Not simply that we chose the guy I supported, gave money
to and voted for, but that we made a strong choice for a very different
direction.  It is also because of Wes and all the rest that gave their lives
in Iraq.  Despite all my objections to that war, this, the power of our
nation to have a "peaceful revolution," is what Wes gave his life for.

It turns out that some of the other Gold Star family members were going
through the same thing I was -- anxious and tense throughout election day,
thinking of the ones they lost in the war.  I guess we just didn't realize
how deeply we connected politics to our grief.

There is one thing that Obama has done that truly, at last addresses our
grief.  He calls for a national spirit of sacrifice, finally ending the
arrogance of leadership that urged us to live life as usual -- go shopping!
-- while others carried the burdens of national defense.  Those leaders
failed to acknowledge that we are all connected; the bell tolls for thee, as
John Donne wrote, and each man's death diminishes me.  We have a new leader
who is involved with humanity and who leads others to be so involved, though
success and failure, life and death.

I am proud of what we have begun and look forward, yes, to what we can do.


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