On 10 Nov 2008 at 3:07, William T Goodall wrote:

> On 9 Nov 2008, at 23:04, Jon Louis Mann wrote:
> >
> > part of the reason government sometimes makes bad decisions is  
> > because it attracts corrupt people, easily influenced by greedy,  
> > unscrupulous lobbyists.
> The American system was designed to have congress, senate,  president  
> and supreme court neutralise each other so that it's quite hard to  
> corrupt. With the political consensus in the USA now so narrow  
> (republicans and democrats are much closer than opposition parties in  
> other western democracies) that's not working so well. The parties are  

Wait, what's that? Oh, it's me making a rude sound. They're further 
apart in fundermental positions that Labour and Conservative.

The countries which tend to have actually different parties are those 
with coalition government systems.


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