John Williams wandered around the point:
> On Mon, Dec 8, 2008 at 11:08 AM, Dan M <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > That's not the point being argued.  You see, all but a few people
> understand
> > that money is a placeholder; it is a social construct.  Numbers in a
> > computer or pieces of paper with dead presidents on them have meaning
> only
> > within a society.
> Sophistry. Money can be converted to gold, and gold has value in every
> society. You are just trying to rationalize taking wealth from others
> because you think you know how to spend it better than they do.

Hah!  Money is no longer on the gold standard and is completely and totally
a social contract dependent on the whims of societies and markets and the
fiat of governments.  Money only has value anymore because we believe it
does.  Money by itself is useless.  Money is only useful in its buying
power, at which point we aren't talking about money we are talking about the
velocity of money, the current of money; money's first derivative with
respect to time.  (I think the analogy between economics and electricity is
particularly useful and perhaps under-explored.  I'd love to see more
economists use circuit diagrams...)

As an aside I am completely and stupendously amazed by your superlative
assertion that all societies value gold.  I would think that it is obvious
that history shows that not every society has valued gold.  Some actually
valued gold for its (limited) functional purpose rather than its over-valued
station as a shiny symbol of scarcity (and alchemical romance).  There are
even societies that never had the skill to mine for the stuff, or the reason
or care or availability...  Go ahead and convert all your precious wealth
that "they" are trying to "stealz" to gold.  Good luck doing anything
actually useful with all that wealth in gold, however.  I certainly won't
accept gold in repayment of a debt, but I obviously accept several major
fiat currencies, because of the social contract that represents between me
and the people I in turn owe debts to, including but not limited to the
government and its taxation.

--Max Battcher---


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