On Sat, 3 Jan 2009, David Land wrote:

> Julia,
>> OK, that one looks somewhat more interesting than some of the Tweets I see
>> dumped to LiveJournal.
> Thank you (if you're referring to my twitter feed). I try to remember
> that the people who are following me (there are a little under a
> hundred, with some falling off and new ones replacing them over time)
> are an audience, so I write with them in mind.
>> Then again, the less interesting things are in response to other Tweets,
>> and the person Tweeting the most is engaged in discussions with other
>> folks.
> In my experience, the least interesting tweeple are the ones who use
> twitter as a kind of public instant message with their friends. Every
> message is a reply to someone else, and they often look something
> like:
> @boogerbrain *Yawn*
> @mesopotamia That's what she said!
> @fooboo Was that thing actually _on_ your plate?
> @noobee If you say so, but actually, I like em crunchy.

That's what the most prolific feed I see is, mostly.  Except a little more 
interesting than that.  It lends a cheerful surreality to my day, so I 
don't complain.  And I get information about the guy's life that I 
wouldn't otherwise.

> I wonder if these people have anything at all to say on their own...

That one does, actually.  His LJ is about half LoudTwitter and half actual 
posts with real information, and it's usually information I'm glad to 
have.  (Even if it's bad stuff, I like to know what's going on with 

> There is a hierarchy of engagement on Twitter in which following is
> worth one "point", replying is worth more -- maybe two to five
> "points", and retweeting is maybe double that again. I don't think
> I've been retweeted. Not bleeding edge enough, I guess.

I know someone who has a Twitter account just so's he can send stuff to 
his to-do list, which is on a website which won't take text messages, but 
will accept Tweets and convert them into to-do items.  He has several 
people following him, and the fact of that creeps him out just a little. 
(I think they just need the clue that he's not intending to interact with 
anyone there.)



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