Dan M wrote:
There is so much good science fiction - not to mention 'slipstream', 'New
Weird', etc - out there (old and new) why waste your time reading the crap?

One thing I've noticed, however, is that the shelf space for what I, and
from what I read most folks on Brin-L consider good sci-fi continues to
shrink, being replaced by game based series, movie based series, etc.

I think that is probably more the bookstores that you shop than an objective reality shift... I mean, sci-fi has always had a strong relationship with its "pulp" and "mass media" sides. If anything, the prominence of the game based sci-fi and movie based sci-fi should be a sign that that the industry is successful and healthy.

Also, there is more speculative fiction slipping across the aisles into other categories. There have been a number of books added to my sci-fi wishlist recently that are categorized in the "Literature" areas of most bookstores, due to both the "high brow" prominence of some authors toeing into the waters and what appears to be an increasing tolerance by the literary elites for sci-fi/speculative themes and hooks.

BTW, I don't think graphic novels inherently fit under the "crap" category.
I thought "The Watchman" was very good.  My son and I had one big argument
over it.  He argued that it was good literature.  I argued it was good, but
a different art form than literature because it used graphics to tell so
much of the story.

Certainly the "graphic novel" is a different medium for literature than the traditional novel, but "graphic novels" fit well within my definition of literature. Certainly semantics could be argued for days, but I think that graphic novels do trend closer to literature than, say, art or film. We could argue that perhaps a new term needs to be created to cluster graphic novels and illustrated novels distinctly from "literature", but I don't see a strong need to differentiate between the type of literature that is the 'modern' graphic novel and 'classic literature'. Both are welcome to me, but then I'm not a high brow book critic.

--Max Battcher--


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