On Jul 21, 2009, at 6:02 AM, Jim Sharkey wrote:

Warren Ockrassa wrote:

>Son of a friend is turning 17 Saturday. I think I've distilled my
>life's wisdom (for 17-yer-olds anyway) down to three things.

>1. You're too young to drink and too young to vote. But you're old
>enough to be tried as an adult.
>2. Always, always, ALWAYS use a condom.
>3. Never say "I love you" until after you come.

Not so sure about that last one. I would replace it with "Don't let your dick run your life."

Funny thing about that last one: a 17-year-old is likely to say "I love you" in order to create opportunities to come, as well as in the delicious afterglow of having done so. I think it's best left completely out of a short list of advice for a teen.

In fact, item 2 is just a riff on that theme, and could very well be combined with it:

2. Don't let your dick run -- or ruin -- your life and always, always, ALWAYS use a condom.

Allow me to offer some additional advice:

-- If you're the smartest person you know, you might want to make some smarter friends.

-- You will likely get drunk, stoned, or both from time to time: if you do, try to make sure you are with someone who is not, whom you trust, so you can get home alive and safe.

-- Having a bunch of friends is nowhere NEAR as important as being one.

-- Break-ups happen, they hurt, and they're no excuse to hurt others: pick up and move on. You're going to be OK.

-- Being bullied sucks and is never acceptable: get help. Bullying sucks and is never acceptable: get help.

-- Driving is a privilege that you should try to deserve: cars can easily kill you and other people.

-- Never, never, EVER drive drunk. I you think you might be too drunk to drive, or if you have to convince someone that you are definitely not too drunk to drive, you are probably too drunk to drive.

-- Don't drop out of school: If you think school is hard, you should try homelessness.

Dave (who has been on the wrong end of some of the above and wishes he hadn't)


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