On Wed, Aug 12, 2009 at 7:39 PM,
dsummersmi...@comcast.net<dsummersmi...@comcast.net> wrote:

> OK, then why do we have so many more lawyers than much more socialistic
> countries that have a far more complex history of laws than the US?

I'm not really following you. Do you mean to suggest that number of
lawyers is a metric for the quality (or disfunctionality?) of a court

And why are you comparing to socialist governments? I would think you
would compare to something as similar as possible. There are so many
other things (than number of laws) that could affect the number of
lawyers in a country with a socialist government.

> See, if X is the problem, one would think that reducing X would decrease
> the problem.  Yet, the developed country that values and promotes
> individualism the most has the most lawyers.

When America was young and had much fewer laws and less government,
did it have more lawyers?

This is getting rather silly. Nothing can be proved this way.


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