John Williams wrote:
On Sun, Aug 16, 2009 at 12:28 PM, Patrick
Sweeney<> wrote:
When you reach a point where the suggested solution to ridiculously
overpriced health insurance is to take out an insurance policy on your
insurance ... perhaps it's a sign that you ought to consider some
other system.

Actually, charging a high price for health insurance for someone who
is almost certain to incur high costs is not ridiculous at all, but
rather perfectly rational. That is exactly how insurance should work.
For example, consider auto insurance. Drivers who are at higher risk
of accidents pay higher premiums. With health insurance, if premiums
are not higher for people who are likely to have high expenses, then
there is a strong incentive for healthy people to carry no health
insurance until they get an expensive condition, and then purchase
health insurance.

The idea of purchasing insurance against an unexpected expensive event
is also perfectly rational. Health status insurance is as reasonable
as life insurance.


It does strike me as a kludge, though.  To continue
your example of car insurance, I don't believe that
anybody markets insurance against having your car
insurance premiums rise dramatically.

I'd guess that Patrick is expecting health insurance
to have health status insurance already built into it.



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