Original Message:
From: John Williams jwilliams4...@gmail.com
Date: Sun, 16 Aug 2009 23:21:45 -0700
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
Subject: Re: A Real Free Market in Health Care

>Another good reason for heath status insurance 

John, you realize what you are arguing, don't you.  If the number a is too
big, then do a bit of algebra and obtain a =b*(1+c).  Pay b and c.  Guess
what, with this type of algebra, nothing is gained.

Now, there will always be niche markets for things like health status
insurance....especially when health insurance tends to be year by year. So,
someone in their 20s could pay extra to be in a big pool when they are 50. 
But, the only reason that young folks can pay  health insurance costs is
that they don't have families and are in the low risk pool.  So, they
postpone the inevitable.

There is a reason why there isn't affordable long term insurance.  It's in
the algebra.  

What you are searching for is akin to trying to find an even prime number.

Dan M. 

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