Original Message:
From: John Williams jwilliams4...@gmail.com
Date: Mon, 17 Aug 2009 20:08:44 -0700
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
Subject: Re: The Role of Government in a Libertarian Free Market

>I was just asking questions.

Actually, the same question has been asked and answered N times.  Nomominal
social behavior is for the asker to either help the various responders
understand why he doesn't get the answer or to acknowledge that his
question has been answered.

BTW, like an old married couple, we're sorta exhausted lines of discussion
on this list because hundreds to thousands of posts have been written by
the long standing members of the list.  We know each other and know each
other's positions.  For this, and other reasons that Rob alluded to,
traffic on this list has dropped down. 

I'll give you points for being a novelty.  It's easy to respond to your
posts, many of them are hanging curves, belt high over the middle of the
plate for those who differ with you.  But, I think most people, and not
just me, would like actual dialog....like we use to have.  BTW, I still am
having IM discussions with a former list member who's become a very good
friend....and I've learned a lot.  IIRC, he's publishing in four different
types of professional journals virtually simultaneously as we write.

Dan M. 

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