Doug wrote:
> Has he been arrogant at times?  Maybe, but that sort of thing is difficult
> to judge via email.  One can often sound arrogant or diffident or whiny and
> not really mean to.   But if arrogance was the criteria by which we judged
> people for their on list fitness, how long would JDG have lasted?

ROFLMAO!!  Exactly. And how many times did how many of us try to talk to him
about the *way* he said things more that *what* he said.

>And as
> much as I disagreed vehemently with that other John, I miss not having him
> here to spar with.

I, too, agree that both Johns have/had a right to his opinions and in no way
should be threatened, moderated or have hands slapped. I can choose to
disengage, also, and let you guys do what you do so well and dazzle me with
websites and mathematical analyses.

> Please, lets get back to the health care debate and quit with the personal
> stuff.

I disagree, Doug.  Talking about how we have worked out talking to each
other, especially after 'the big blow' and a few of the smaller ones is an
important steam release valve, I think, and one of the ways this list
continues to work.

How are the second smartest grandkids in the world doing =+))?


Jo Anne


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