Since folks have expressed the desire to resume debating health care, I
decide to put out some of the facts concerning health care and public

1) People want costs contained.

2) Most people, particularly the elderly, are fairly happy with what they
have now, but fear the future.

3) The majority of the elderly, who are on government health care, oppose
government interference in health care.

4) Any minor hint at adressing the massive amount of money spent
transferring the last week of life into the last month of life will raise a
firestorm.  The safe side for any politician is to call these death panels
and be against them.

5) Folks don't want government interfering with their private employer
health care.

Therefore, I conclude that folks want health care costs contained without
doing anything that might possibly affect them in order to contain costs.

I am now leaning towards the opinion that we will face this problem only
after Medicare requires a 500 billion/year payment from the government
after its funds are exhausted.  Californias refusal to face its obvious
unsustainable position during the last decade until the roof  caved in
provides good precident for this.

Dan M. 

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