On Aug 30, 2009, at 9:16 PM, Doug Pensinger wrote:

rob  wrote:
I will not brew Decaf.
Decaf is the mind-killer.
Decaf brings the little sleep
that leads to total oblivion.
I will embrace my caffeine.
I will brew my beverages and
let them... flow through me,
and when they are gone,
I will remain.......alert

wtf are you doing in a workcube on a Sunday evening???  Where are your
priorities, man?

vacuum, mow the lawn, build a step, walk the dog, move furniture, cook
dinner and empty the trash maru

1) Signature contained the verb "build" in the context of things to do .. win. ;)

2) I read the last as "enjoy the trash", which made an odd Zen-like sort of sense. I've been known to enjoy the trash (or at least the ritual of taking out the trash) myself. Then I realized the oddity of the phrase was all in my mind ..

"This is an amazing honor. I want you to know that I spend so much time in the world that is spinning all the time, that to be in the no- spin zone actually gives me vertigo." -- Stephen Colbert during an interview on FOX News, The O'Reilly Factor


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