Great analysis, thanks.
Any change if we manufacture the panels in space. Lifting robotic manufacturing station first and then refuel with raw materials?


On Sep 2, 2009, at 2:10 PM, hkhenson wrote:

Sept. 1 (Bloomberg) -- Mitsubishi Electric Corp. and IHI Corp. will
join a 2 trillion yen ($21 billion) Japanese project intending to
build a giant solar-power generator in space within three decades and
beam electricity to earth.

A research group representing 16 companies, including Mitsubishi Heavy
Industries Ltd., will spend four years developing technology to send
electricity without cables in the form of microwaves, according to a
statement on the trade ministry's Web site today.

I responded on a closed mailing list.  Here is a copy with deletions.


"Transporting panels to the solar station 36,000 kilometers above the
earth=92s surface will be prohibitively costly, so Japan has to figure out a way to slash expenses to make the solar station commercially viable,
said Hiroshi Yoshida, Chief Executive Officer of Excalibur KK, a
Tokyo-based space and defense-policy consulting company. =93These expenses need to be lowered to a hundredth of current estimates,=94 Yoshida said by
phone from Tokyo.

I get the same number close enough. Current price to GEO $20,000/ kg; required for space based solar power to displace fossils by being substantially less expensive (1-2 cents per kWh) is $100/kg, a factor of 200.

"Step 1: Rocket Equation...

Needed 100 t/hr to GEO, $100/kg. Try a two stage to GEO. Required 14 km/sec, get the first 4 km/sec with a mass ratio 3 hydrogen/ oxygen rocket. To get the remaining 10 km/sec with a mass ratio 2 means an average exhaust velocity of 15km/sec.

Because you stage far short of LEO, the second stage must have relatively high thrust so 60 km/sec ion engines won't do. Ablation laser propulsion (well understood physics) with an average exhaust velocity of 15 km/sec will provide over a g at 4 GW. The suborbital path keeps the second stage out of the atmosphere long enough (15 minutes) for the laser to push the second stage into geosynchronous transfer orbit.

At 4 payloads an hour (working the laser full time), each payload to GEO needs to be 25 t. So the laser stage is 50 t, the first stage 50 t (16%structure) and 200 t propellant. On takeoff it masses 300 tons, less than a 747. A large airport handles a lot more traffic than 8 747 takeoffs and landings an hour.

Step 2: A miracle occurs...

Hard engineering, no miracles permitted. Not easy, the laser might eventually cost $40 billion. To get started (to positive cash flow) came out to $60 billion on a first cut proforma analysis.

Step 3:


A UK company, Reaction Engines, has an inordinately clever approach to boost the effective exhaust velocity so as to actually put positive payloads into LEO with hydrogen/oxygen single stage to orbit. What they are doing is recovering a lot of the energy that goes into liquefying hydrogen and using that to compress air to rocket chamber pressures up to 26km and Mach 5+. Google for them. Also see

PS. A lot of the mass of a thermal power satellite is heat sink fluid. That can be made from finely ground rock and a little gas. Decouples gas pressure from the amount of heat the pseudo fluid can carry. Seems a shame to be shipping up sacks of cement dust. We are looking into the payback time for a moving cable space elevator through L1 to the lunar surface. Existing materials are good enough for the cable--without taper. 15 MW is enough to lift 33 tons per hour. Feed lunar dirt through a vibratory ball mill and presto heat sink fluid.



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