Original Message:
From: Alberto Vieira Ferreira Monteiro albm...@centroin.com.br
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2009 21:13:40 +0000
To: brin-l@mccmedia.com
Subject: Re: Knowledge of Complex Systems and Ecconomics

On 2009-09-05, Dan M wrote:
> We know that, while we cannot see trends as absolute rules when dealing
> with complex systems, the most persimmons model consistent within the data
> has the best chance of being a reasonable approximation of what we will
> understand as we gain a better, more detailed understanding of the system.
> In addition, it has the best change of future predictions.  Note, I didn't
> say that it would always be right; there are many times that
> beyond data are wrong.  But, if one were to consider all possible theories
> available at the time,, one's best chance of being close is choosing that
> theory.
I had a feeling that I had predicted the crisis, but I didn't find my

Here it is:

  Subject: Welcome to Hyperinflation!
  Date: 2008-08-29 12:30
 > I was just checking the evolution of PPI (PPI and CPI measure
 > inflation in the USA), and noticed that _this year_ the 
 > accumulated inflation is about 10% (!!!)

Where did you get that?  According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, we've
had deflation of about 1% over the past 12 months and inflation of 1.7%
over the past 7 months.


Dan M.

Dan M. 

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