This is very cute:

Unfortunately, their is an error in the strip.

According to the first panel the second dragon can not be the
alternating Trvth/Lie teller [*].

According to the third panel the second dragon must be the alternating
Trvth/Lie teller [!].

Quite the paradox (although not what is implied by the strip).

So how can this strip be minimally changed so that it doesn't contract itself (the puzzle is solvable, i.e. one head each is as described)?

*: The first and third dragon are in agreement which means one of them
must be the alternating Trvth/Lie teller.
T AL L, T AT L, L AT T, and L AL T, all contradict what panel 1 says.

!: The second Dragon Tells a double negative.  If he always tells the
Trvth then he cannot have Lied.  If he always tells lies then he cannot
have told the Trvth about it.  He can only say "yes I was Lying" if he
were the alternating Trvth/Lie teller.


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