Deborah Harrell wrote:
David Hobby <> wrote:

Hi.  I just saw the following in article summaries
from Nature.  The actual article is behind a paywall,
but this seems interesting.
Are protoplanets made of protomatter?! Just who are these surveyors,
and are they being unethical scientists!? Is protomatter relateted to
"protomorphogens," the 'primitive matter which makes up organs' and is
sold on a website I decline to pass on? (Not kidding about the latter -
various friends with currently non-curable diseases send me stuff and
ask about it...Predators abound.)


Protomatter is obviously made out of protons.
Protomorphogens would be made of protists?
(Trying to keep my fields straight, here.)


Whatever happened to good old snake oil?


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