On Fri, Jan 1, 2010 at 4:34 PM, Charlie Bell <char...@culturelist.org>wrote:

> On 02/01/2010, at 10:55 AM, Nick Arnett wrote:
> > Update.... my sister has survived more than 24 hours after she crashed,
> which is good -- the first 24 hours are always critical.  She apparently
> went into septic shock this morning, but a fairly new, very expensive drug
> for sepsis brought her blood pressure back up, so she weathered that crisis.
> Eesh. Thank goodness she's been able to get that level of medical care.
> Are you going across to be with her (you're in CA, no?).

Yes, I'm in Santa Clara... waiting to see if I should head to NC.
Apparently the recovery from something like this is very long, so I'm not
rushing there unless the medical people say that it's time for family to
gather.  They haven't quite said that, but close.


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