And it seems Apple's blockade can be run...


On Jan 29, 2010, at 11:08 AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:

> On 28 Jan 2010 at 22:16, Chris Frandsen wrote:
>> I mistakenly said" ibook "I meant native iPad app. The iPhone apps will run 
>> as written for the iPhone on the iPad or so it was claimed.  Obviously a 
>> rewrite is required to take full advantage of the iPad's chips.
>> Yes, we will find out soon.
>> Want to bet?
> *MOST* iPhone apps will run, they said.
> And no, I'm not putting cash on something Apple do, their descisions are too 
> often based on issues other than logic from my perspective (like big media's 
> paranoia)
> AndrewC
>> learner
>> On Jan 28, 2010, at 5:05 PM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
>>> On 28 Jan 2010 at 14:43, Chris Frandsen wrote:
>>>> I have used the Kindle app on the iphone. Jobs promised iphone apps will 
>>>> run on iPad. He usually makes good on his promises. Sure the app will not 
>>>> be as good as the native ibook app.
>>> No, what he said was "most" apps will work on the iPad.
>>> It's something of an overstatement, given any app using the GS's 
>>> PowerVR chip is going to need a substantial re-write to perform 
>>> acceptably, and even above that and above the apps irrelevant because 
>>> of hardware, there is still room in what he said to reject apps on 
>>> ideological grounds.
>>> I'm not saying they will, I'm saying it would need a substantial 
>>> change in how Apple deliver apps for them to allow directly competing 
>>> book apps on the iPad. We should know relatively soon.
>>> AndrewC
>>>> learner
>>>> On Jan 28, 2010, at 5:52 AM, Andrew Crystall wrote:
>>>>> On 27 Jan 2010 at 15:10, Chris Frandsen wrote:
>>>>>> But how about the iPad???:-)
>>>>>> Kindle app does run on the iPad so in just 60+ days.....
>>>>> Unwaranted assumption. Apple don't allow apps which directly compete 
>>>>> with core functionality on the iPhone, after all...
>>>>> Also, the iPad is just 132dpi and it'll need a new iPad-specific 
>>>>> release to deal with resoloution issues.
>>>>> AndrewC
>>>>>> learner
>>>>>> On Jan 27, 2010, at 12:50 PM, John Williams wrote:
>>>>>>> The Jijo trilogy is now available on Kindle (as separate books). Also,
>>>>>>> Uplift War is available. The publisher says that Startide Rising and
>>>>>>> Sundiver are coming to Kindle in late February.
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>>> Dawn Falcon
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