On 13/02/2010, at 7:05 AM, Keith Henson wrote:
> I could go into detail including the economic models, but I don't know
> if there is anyone on this list who can follow the physics, chemistry
> and math.

You'd be surprised. My maths isn't great (ie i'm not a natural mathematician), 
but my chemistry is fine...
> I think people are properly skeptical of the need to suffer that is
> preached by the global warming community.

Um, exactly what is this "global warming community" that preaches a "need to 
suffer"? That looks like just another straw man to me. There are nutters on 
both sides of the politics of climate, but the people really concerned about 
taking action are busy showing how you can live very similarly to the way you 
do now, without being so wasteful. Most of the science and engineering of 
starting to live sustainably is no-brainer stuff that's easy to implement. 
Sure, we do need a few big-ticket items and the space based solar that you've 
been advocating for years may well be one of those, but in the short-term 
there's a lot individuals and communities can do to green their homes, 
businesses and towns that will have at worst a very small affect on standard of 

Examples such as water tanks, solar hot water, decent insulation are small 
steps that if taken by large numbers of people can massively lower the demand 
for energy. How we produce that energy needs to change too, but the levels of 
wastage in the US and Australia are verging on criminal. Cutting out waste 
isn't preaching a "need to suffer".

What scientists are saying is that if we carry on with "business as usual" then 
a lot of people will suffer. 

>  Far as I know engineers
> have never been asked how they would refreeze the Arctic Ocean or slow
> the glaciers sliding into the sea.

Need to stop the forcing first before you can think about reversing the 
effects, surely...

The solutions are different depending where you live, of course.


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