On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 8:23 AM, John Horn <anar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Move to merge Asperger's, autism in diagnostic manual stirs debate
> http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/02/11/aspergers.autism.dsm.v/index.html?hpt=C2
> ---------------------------------
> I was wondering what the folks here feel about this.  I know we have some
> Aspie's here as well as parents of children with autism.   As a parent of a
> child with Asperger's, it definitely concerns me.  I think the concerns in
> the article about are right on about kids like my daughter.  I undestand
> that Asperger's is on the same continuum as autism.  I just don't see that
> she would have gotten the same support and services without that specific
> diagnosis.  I guess if it still considered a separate diagnostic 'name'
> rather than mild/high functioning autism that might be OK.  I don't know...

My son was very recently (~2 months ago) diagnosed with Asperger's, though
we've suspected as much for quite a while.   From what I've read, Asperger's
was always placed within the "Autism spectrum", so this is more of a
subcategory category naming issue than anything else.  Or at least, I think
the APA thinks that.  I came across a New York Times article the other day
(sorry, I don't have a link) that had more of a positive spin and basically
explained the reasoning: IIRC, even within the Asperger's classification,
there is such variation in symptoms that there are essentially no
distinguishing factors from those associated with "plain" autism - they blur
together.  So the APA is thinking it's an artificial distinction.

I don't know what to think, really - it's all too new to me, and we haven't
really gotten anything in the way of support or services yet.


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