> Shucks, we'd be better of without aircraft,
> heavy trucks and diesel powered ships.
> It will force us to use alt fuels and
> old tech, like wind and steam power!~)
> We'll still need oil for lubrication, 
> but maybe the whale population will 
> return to what it was in the 17Th century.
> Jon

> How do you make the steam?
> Nick
> Assuming you haven't just pushed your 
> tongue all the way through your cheek.  
> How do we feed/house/support anything 
> like the current human population without 
> trucks, rail, and powered ships?
> --[Lance]

Shucks, I don't have any answers, but when all
the whale oil ran out we found another source.
At least steam engines don't pollute as much as

With our current transportation and distribution 
systems, inequitable allocation of resources, and 
concentration of population in cities I wonder if 
it is even feasible to move populations closer to 
to food sources? 

Of course there would be chaos if we stopped using 
Pietro-chemicals and coal, etc. to power transport 

Given time, I believe human ingenuity, and advances
in science, technology and engineering, can find a
way to surmount almost any obstacles.  

Of course it might just require the end of wasteful 
materialism, and adapting affluent lifestyles to 
use more renewable sources of energy.   =Then there 
always soylent green...:)

The measure of a civilization should not be how much 
energy is consumed, but how it is consumed... 



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