There is an ongoing discussion on this topic on Dr.Brin's Facebook site.

I'm not sure if this forward is verbal hyperbole designed to exaggerate the 
magnitude of the environmental catastrophe now known as Deepwater Horizon.  

The forward claims we have been fed a gusher of lies to minimize the planetary 
scale disaster now in progress in the Gulf, and claims it could blow out to 
50,000 barrels a day (according to a "not for public" NOAA emergency report). 
The oil slick alone is the size of New Jersey.

Pardon the length; I have paraphrased to some extent:
It goes on to say this is not just a leak, and unless we find some way to stop 
the venting of the gigantic oil field in the Gulf (under 100,000 pounds per 
square inch of pressure) we may be looking at the end of all marine life on 
this planet. We have literally punched a hole into hell.

In any case, I agree we need to stop all new oil exploration and start reducing 
burning fossil fuels, and worldwide carbon dioxide emissions.  

Governments need to put everything they've got into a crash program to conserve 
energy use and develop truly renewable energy sources as an alternative nuclear 
and other non-renewable energy.  

It should have been done twenty years ago. The burning of fossil fuels was 
already slowly killing the planet, causing inexorable rises in greenhouse gas 
levels that have done nothing but accelerate, despite the rampant 
disinformation campaign waged by oil industry toadies pretending to be real 



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