On 06/14/2010 07:51 PM, Dan Minette wrote:
SBSP will get into that range if there is a way to get transport to
GEO down into the $100 per kg or less range.

Which I think will happen when Star Wars works. :-)  In the field of
synthetic biology prices have been falling a factor of two per year for the
last decade or so.  That's one of the reasons it fits the black swan model.
With solar and space, it's always tomorrow when prices fall like a rock.

What about nuclear? Aren't most its operating costs well known today? Why aren't "we" (and by "we", I mean everyone, not just this list) talking more about nuclear power in light of the oil spill?

I've been wondering how much the oil spill puts nuclear into perspective: off-shore drilling has put almost all of the Gulf ecosystem into turmoil with 1 (!) accident/disaster. (And a chunk of the Atlantic ecosystem if they don't cap it sooner rather than later?) Doesn't that have a larger long term impact than either (or possibly both) 3 Mile Island or Chernobyl? (Did those events cause extinctions?)

I've heard the criticism that "at least oil is natural", but how likely is a natural disaster that would have caused this sort of disastrous spill? (What factor of earthquake would we be talking about to cause this? Wouldn't there be more things to worry about than an oil spill in such a case-- volcanoes, tidal waves, perhaps even continental drift?)

(...not to mention that it is surprising how many people today need it explained that "radioactivity" is also a "natural" effect and not all radioactivity in the world/universe is human-enriched/"created"...)

--Max Battcher--


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