On Oct 21, 2010, at 2:02 PM, John Williams wrote:

> But since you want to modify an agreement in your favor, you more or
> less need to jump through their hoops, even if they are ridiculous.

John, do you believe in negotiation/ old fashion bargaining?
There is always the option to walk away from the deal/house if you do not care 
"to jump through their hoops".  Part of the initial contract, I am sure, was a 
very clear discussion of the grounds for foreclosure which go into effect when 
you decide not "to jump through their hoops". As it is part of the contract, I 
do not think it is dishonorable for one party or the other to cause the clause 
to be implemented.  Tough on lenders in a depressed real estate market, tough 
on the borrower's credit rating in this world of impersonal automated credit 
ratings, not to mention the borrower's net worth, but not dishonorable.  

Chris Frandsen


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