> > There never was a "Cold" War beginning 
> with the Korean.  War WW III was a global
> > conflict against Communism in Latin
> America, the Carribbean, Africa, Southeast
> > Asia, Eastern Europe, etc.  In fact 
> the US has been in a state of war under other 
> > names for most of our history.  WW IV is 
> called the war on terror, and is also global 
> > in scope.
> Jon Mann

> No, the conflicts above mentioned justify the 
> "War" term, the "Cold" is necessary because 
> there was no actual USA x CCCP direct conflict, 
> with americans and soviets killing each other
> in great numbers. 
> Alberto Monteiro

Only because the war between Communism and Capitalism 
was fought through surrogates.  It was really over trade.
What would you call the war against terrorism, a police
action?  Would you agree that it also is over resources?



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