On 19/06/2012, at 4:56 PM, Dave Land wrote:
> I think the one who owes an apology is me: I am more
> ambivalent about my own and my son's gaming than I let on.
> I'm delighted that, through gaming, Ryan has developed an
> interest (and no small skill) in programming. He's learned
> enough Lua (the language used to modify "Garry's Mod", an
> open-ended physics engine "game") to have fans of his work.
> I'm less delighted that it's like pulling teeth to get him
> to engage in much of anything else, including school.

Oooh. Garry's Mod is superb sandboxy fun. Hopefully school contains some 
computer courses… You're probably right to be concerned if gaming is done to 
the exclusion of all else, but hopefully a guiding hand will maintain enough 
> Like you, at his age, I was on my bike from sun-up 'til
> the street lights came on, bashing around with my one good
> childhood friend, and I think that there are things he's
> missing as a result.

I wonder if our memories of childhood are a little extra-rosy? I used to do a 
bit of cycling, and run around Wimbledon Common and go play at friends' houses, 
and go to the zoo or museum, and play computer games, or be in the yard with 
radio-control cars. I think we all mixed things up a lot. Even these days, one 
weekend I'm in the garden Doing Battle with the weeds and evil grass, another 
I'm doing a 160km bike ride, another I'm out at the footy (Aussie Rules/Rugby 
Union/Association Football depending on the precise weekend…) or hiding in 
front of the fire playing a game on the laptop or watching a movie.

Also, "When I was a lad, I spent my evenings coding online-worlds and 
communicating with people all over the planet, and my son seems to spend his 
days doing $thingthathasntbeeninventedyetin2012 and I think he's missing out…" 
Maybe? :-)

I think one of the most important things growing up is to have parents who both 
take an interest in what we do enjoy and encourage us to try new things. If 
there's a bit more of the former it's not the end of the world.


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