On Wed, Nov 21, 2012 at 3:58 PM, Jon Louis Mann <net_democr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> It is in my observation, as a politician, that MOST politicians are liars, 
> and they tailor their promises
> for a target audience who will believe their rhetoric.  I am not a liar, but 
> that is probably why I have lost
> the 12 times I have run for office!~)

So you are not a lying politician, you are just a very bad one...    ;-)

The ones that get me are not so much the politicians but the pundits.
Someone like Glenn Beck. I mean, look at the conspiracy theories he is
pedaling. In my humble opinion, there are only two options: either a)
he really does believe what he's saying, in which case, he is
certifiably insane or b) he doesn't really believe what he's saying,
in which case, he is evil with a capital "E".

  - jmh


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