> > I'm getting tired of correcting all this nonsense,

> Do whatever you want with my opinion, but I, for one, will
> be quite
> grateful if you choose to present your words as though they
> were just your
> thoughts and opinions and to treat others with much greater
> respect.
> Nick

> I'm not sure about that.  Kevin, for example never
> struck me as a bully.
> And, I've never seen a counter-argument with facts and logic
> as bullying.
> I'll admit, I'm not particularly polite with John, but after
> someone has
> insulted me on a number of occasions, I tend to be a bit
> less careful.  It's
> not that I try to insult people, I just don't reread things
> for politeness
> quite as carefully when dealing with a person who
> pontificates without
> reason.  In other words, I'll take Feynman as
> condescending, but not John.

> > > A few will engage with you for the same
> unfortunate reason (to try to
> > "correct" you), but then it
> > >just becomes a matter of who can be a bigger bully.
> >
> > I'm not sure about that.  Kevin, for example never
> struck me as a bully.
> > And, I've never seen a counter-argument with facts and
> logic as bullying.
> Me neither. You took a bit of a logical leap there, to the
> idea that I
> meant that responding at all takes it that direction. 
> The only
> generalization I'd make is that most people get sick of it
> eventually.
> Nick

I just don't understand why some people are just plain mean.  It's not like 
he's some genius who doesn't suffer fools; that I would respect.  I know people 
with Asperger's who probably don't know they are being rude, or just don't 
care.   I suppose if trolls and flamers didn't hide behind their computers and 
were out in the real world, they would learn pretty fast to keep their trap 
shut...  Bottom line is people like that are alone and miserable, so they fling 
their rage through the electronic interface.


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