On 29 Jun 2004, at 12:25 pm, Sonja van Baardwijk-Holten wrote:

Nick Arnett wrote:

Robert Seeberger wrote:

I'll volunteer for moderation if it will help get rid of this crap.

I think that's what we need to do temporarily. Meanwhile, I'll see if I can figure out a filter that'll just block the bogus stuff and let your real postings through.

Ah, the weakness of mail protocols...


The bogus stuff doesn't seem to have the usual alias in the send field. It uses the account name as such to send stuff with. Maybe it'll help you find a filter you specifically can install for people who are targeted by this. Besides that, is there a way that you can archive messages in the public domain without revealing info on e-mail accounts. It would help me a great deal in controlling the amount of spam I'm currently recieving on my brin specific account.

I never got the original message that this thread seems to be about. Must have got eaten by a spam filter :)

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