On Thu, 8 Jul 2004 13:00:19 -0700 (PDT), Damon Agretto
> > Who wants to influence the elections more, Bush or
> > Al-Qaeda?
> Is that any different than what Reagan did during the
> Iranian Hostage affair?

I was thinking the same thing.

PoliticalStrategy.Org also pointed out that the Patriot Act could be
used to detain Caspar Weinberger, Elliot Abrams and Robert McFarlane
without charges in Gitmo.

"1) The current Bush Administration has set a precedent, freely
applying the label of "enemy combatant" to those it feels are working
or have worked with the enemy against the United States.

"2) The "Patriot" Act has a clause that eliminates the statute of
limitations on such matters (USPA: Title VIII, Sec. 809).

"Given that evidence already exists that Weinberger, McFarlane and
Abrams were involved in "aiding the enemy" it is certainly within
recent character and precedent to take them into custody, indefinitely
and without being charged, being named or being counseled."


If there was a left administration as politically motivated, as
willing to trample civil rights for executive privilege  and as
ruthless as the right ones have been ...

I would be complaining about them.

Gary Denton

#1 on google for liberal news

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