I totally agree with Alberto.  All across the world,
nations and peoples are starting to perceive the
jingoistic, chauvinistic, troglodytic triumphalism
that Cheney and Wolfowitz call "patriotism" utterly
appalling.  It is propelling a chain of meetings and
conferences all around the globe with one basic agenda
-- "what shall we do about America."

These monstrous jerks have set up a situation in which
even the core truth of their message is perverted.

I happen to agree with some of their words.  America
DOES have a historical mission right now.  We do have
a duty to spread democratic/liberal values for the
sake of future generations.  Pax Americana is the best
pax the world ever saw and without it there would be

Even the toppling of Saddam is totally justifiable and
I despise the reflex of the Left to automatically
disdain it.

And yet, these morons are taking that basic message
and perverting it to a degree that resembles the Monty
Python Ladies Auxilliary's rendition of "the Battle of
Pearl Harbor."  A shrieking, shrill blaring of
triumphalist hysteria that defeats the core purpose of
it all.  

Their mania is UNDERMINING American influence rather
than increasing it.  They are providing the world with
motivation to come together... in the face of our
bogey man.

Then there's Guantanamo....  Gawd....


- Alberto Monteiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> David Brin wrote:
> >
> >   The world is much to complex for simplification.
>  It needs Pax Americana.
> >
> Not so fast! Here in Brazil we have a growing
> suspicion of Pax Americana,
> that it might eventually turn into an attempt to
> annex the Amazon or to
> take over our water resources. 
> Until 1980 or so the brazilian army trained to
> defend against an 
> invasion by Argentinian forces, then they changed to
> a commie 
> invasion, but now they are training guerrilla
> tactics to fight an 
> USA invasion.
> "Just because you are paranoid, don't mean they are
> not after you"
> Alberto Monteiro
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