Just to break up the string of messages now changed to Br!n in the subject 
Back to that dark and empty drop cube.....
*   *   *   
Rupert reverted back to the accent game and went into a tour-guide mode. âWe 
now journey into Tytlal Country. We regret the total lack of lighting for your 
visual enjoyment, but as the management has previously stated, because the 
Tytlal do act like Tytlal, no guarantees can be given in regards to either their 
activity, their inactivity, or ultimately, the viewer's sanity.
âThe heads drooping off of the cartons allows for the spine quills to flex 
and unflex in a normal state of dreaming.
âPlease do not feed the tytlal as you do not know where their minds have been.
"I think I can now make out the portal,â Fred stated. âThe cloud cover must 
finally be breaking up.â
Rupert looked over his right shoulder and bumped into the corner at the same 
âFound the corner.
"Just in time for the false dawn glow, I bet. How convenient. We're right on 
the equator on a planet with a day less than nineteen hours long. Udine 
appears slightly smaller than earthâs sun, even though weâre only half as far away 
from it. First twilight to dawn is going to be about fifteen minutes. This sun 
is going to come up like gangbusters. But don't use that expression in front 
of the tytlal. I dread the thought of seeing them in pinstripe suits. And I 
mean the Chicago mob pinstripes of the 1930s. Not the Dulles diplomatic 
pinstripe pants. Imitating a mild mannered official would be a welcome change to these 
tytlalâs  normal shtick. And highly unlikely. Where Dulles said, âWe walked 
to the brink and we looked it in the face,â the tytlal would instead quote W. 
C. Fields.
ââSometimes you have to take the bull by the tail and face the situation.â
âOh,...and beware of using the word âshtickâ in front of a tytlal or they 
might start talking softly.â
Fred pondered for a moment. âYou think a tytlal imitating Teddy Roosevelt 
would be a nuisance?â

Rupert took less time to reply. âHeâd probably wait for a Thennanin dinner 
party, pick out the thennanin who exhibits the most dour thought process and 
attack the erâs dinner plate with two electrodes just to say that he had charged 
up the sane oneâs brill."
William Taylor
The other William's reply usually uses only
four letters.

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