On Thu, 15 Jul 2004 12:10:39 -0700 (PDT), Deborah Harrell
> Kerry states that "he will give every American access
> to the health care plan that the President and Members
> of Congress already have."  Unless he plans to finance
> it by repealing at least part of Bush's tax cuts,
> which will require Congressional cooperation, I don't
> see how that is possible.  [Please note: I haven't
> actually looked up the #s, but to cover the ~42
> million Americans currently without health insurance
> coverage would be expensive -- still, what with the
> tossing about of billions for the Iraq war, even $42
> million doesn't sound like much.]  In addition to the

But $42 million would only provide $1 for every uninsured person - did
you mean $42 billion ($1000/person)?  But even $1000/person seems low
- I think health insurance normally runs $3-7K or perhaps even much

> completely uninsured, there are also quite a few
> underinsured; I don't know what the limits of
> Congressional healthcare reception are, but am
> assuming Cadillac rather than Yugo access, and that
> for all Americans would surely be billions of $/yr.
> http://www.johnkerry.com/issues/healthcare/

Debbi, what do you think is the cause for healthcare to be so
expensive?  Is it the lawsuits and insurance?  Salaries?  Drug costs? 
The inherent nature of health care?  Something else entirely?

Is there any way that that problem could be addressed as part of
making healthcare more available to everyone?


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