
"Separately, Apple said that Duke University will give Apple iPods to each of its 1,650 freshman this fall, allowing them to access class schedules and course information, as well as play music via the devices. A custom version of the iTunes site will allow students to both buy music and download class information. The school characterized the effort as a pilot program between Duke and Apple that will be evaluated after this year, adding that students will be able to keep their iPods either way.

"We're approaching this as an experiment, one we hope will motivate our faculty and students to think creatively about using digital audio content and a mobile computing environment to advance educational goals in the same way that iPods and similar devices have had such a big impact on music distribution," Tracy Futhey, Duke's vice president of information technology, said in a statement."

So the iPod is now a 'mobile computing environment ' eh? Which it is of course, but Apple have been very keen to insist it isn't a PDA and that they have no plans to make one. Meanwhile the market for gadgets that did call themselves PDAs is going down the toilet or being subsumed into mobile phones.

And they'll be able to keep all their files on them too. Let's hope they remember about backups...

William T Goodall
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"Invest in a company any idiot can run because sooner or later any idiot is going to run it." - Warren Buffet


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