Apologies to those who don't have this problem from Batchelor's previous mail--
If you opened Adams mail and the attachment automatically ran, you now have the Bugbear A worm.  You need to delete three files to clean your machine (assuming the worm always gives the same names to its files- I'm not quite computer savvy enough to know about that...):
c:\windows\start menu\Programs\Start Up\csc.exe
Delete the third file listed above first, then restart the machine in MS DOS mode and delete the others.  You cannot delete the first two files from Windows, as Windows runs them when it starts itself.
You can get more info/help by using the free online scan from Trend Micro at housecall.antivirus.com  Be aware that the download time for the virus catalogue can be more than 20 minutes the first time you use it.  After that, it only updates the catalogue, so it is a much quicker process.
Hope this helps if you need it-

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