Mohawks Reunion 2005

Mohawks young and old, near and far, squaws and braves…The tribe is gathering to celebrate 20 years of fierce fighting on the frisbee plain.

Since 1985 peace-pipes has been smoked, great battles have been fought, and the hunt for gold has never ended, and it now time for us to gather round the totem pole yet again, to relive past and present moments of glory.

On the 1st of July 2005 the plains of Brighton will be host to the most glorious event thus far, not only in this century, but also in the entire history of the legendary Mohawks tribe.

There will be a 3-day event involving matches, a banquet, games and much more. Who can forget the summer of '99 reunion and the fun had there? Sign up on and we will keep you informed of what is going on and who is attending. Spread the message to any tribe-members near or far. The reason we are telling you about this now, is that we want to make sure as many as possible can attend, from all over the world. By registering you are not committing to anything, but we will get a good indication of numbers, and get your up-to-date contact details.

If you have any queries, please e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Maggie & Waggle

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