I was just thinking about exactly the same problem myself!

Last night at training I was fouled by someone who threw the disc away.
I pre-empted the throw and had my hand still when they initiated contact - whilst releasing the disc.
They called a foul and got the disc back, despite my objections.

I made a mental note: Next time I predict a throw like that I shall endeavour to call 'foul' before contact is made, or at least before the thrower does. I doubt it'll work, but it's worth a go. Hopefully this mental note won't go the way of many of my previous mental notes and disappear into the void.


On 4 May 2005, at 16:21, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi all,
This email is about rules and interpretation of them
- DELETE if you can't be bothered to read a quite long
and properly boring mail.
Lately, I have become more and more annoyed by the fact that
the interpretation of what is a foul or not on the mark is
very different across uk ultimate.
Generally i found that when ever a forcer calls foul, it
gets argued. I would like the opinion of anyone will to
consider the below scenerios.
1. A legal position is established and the thrower
pivots into the mark and throws a backhand, the marker,
naturally moves around slightly but in the same plain as the
initial force. The thrower releases the disc and calls foul
due to contact. The throw initiated about 75% of the
Is this a foul on the mark? A foul on the throw? or neither?
2. A legal position is established and the thrower
pivots into the mark and throws a backhand, the marker,
unnaturally does not move. The thrower releases the disc and
calls foul due to contact. The throw initiated about 100% of
the contact.
Is this a foul on the mark? A foul on the throw? or neither?
3. A legal position is established and the thrower
pivots into the mark and throws a backhand, the marker,
naturally moves around. The thrower releases the disc and
calls foul due to contact. The throw initiated about 50% of
the contact.
Is this a foul on the mark? A foul on the throw? or neither?
4. A legal position is established and the throw then
pivots to throw a throw. Whilst attempting to pivot the
thrower trips / kicks a markers leg. The marker was
slightly moving but the thrower initiated 90% of the
Is this a foul on the mark? A foul on the throw? or neither?
5. A marker stands less than a disc width away (upper body).
what is the thrower supposed to do? There is no putting the
disc in between like lots of people do in the rules.
Any other scenerios need looking at?
The Rules
***  highlighted
+++++  Lewis comment
404.11 The Marker:
      A. Guarding: At any time, only one defensive player
 may guard the thrower. A player is said to be guarding the
thrower if he or     she is within 3 m of the thrower's
pivot foot and is not within 3 m of any     other member of
the offensive team. A thrower guarded by more than one
defender shall call, "Double team." The first time this
occurs during any     one count, the marker should
immediately subtract 2 seconds from the count     and
continue without interruption. The second time this occurs
is a foul and     the count shall be reset to zero with a
check.           When guarding the thrower, the marker may
not       straddle the pivot foot of the thrower.
+++Obvious+++      When guarding the thrower, the
*upper       body*       of the marker must be at least one
disc's diameter from the       *upper body of the
thrower at all times. It is the mutual responsibility of
both players to       respect each other's position and not
encroach into the other's area once       it is
established.* ++++So it’s upper body only and NEITHER
PARTY may pivot in to the others. So what happens if both
parties move in to an area that neither of them previously
occupied? Is it a foul by the one is encroaches more? Or is
it a foul by who arrives there second?++++
            When guarding the thrower, the       *marker*
cannot position his or her       *arms* in such a manner as
to       restrict the thrower from pivoting. +++Note: this
rule is talking about arms only. So technically if they
can’t pivot because of your legs / body it is not a foul?
Obviously, you can’t straddle+++
+++encroach : To advance beyond proper or former limits+++
  404.13 Fouls:       A. Definition: Fouls are the result of
physical     contact between opposing players. A foul may be
called by the player who has     been fouled and must be
announced by calling out the word, "foul" loudly and
immediately after the foul has occurred.     B.
Responsibility: The player *initiating* contact shall be the
player guilty of     the foul. +++So what happens if both
parties move in to an area that neither of them previously
occupied? Is it a foul by the one is initiates the most? Or
is it a foul by who arrives there second?+++
      C. Throwing Fouls: A throwing foul may be called
when there is *contact between the thrower and the
marker, prior to the release of the disc by the thrower*.
Contact     occurring during the thrower's follow through is
*not* sufficient grounds for a foul, but should     still be
avoided whenever possible.           When a foul is
committed by the thrower or the       marker, play stops and
possession reverts back to the thrower, after a       check.
      If the thrower is fouled in the act of throwing
and the pass is completed, the foul is automatically
declined and play       continues without interruption.
 If the marker is fouled during the thrower's act       of
throwing and the pass is not completed, play continues
without       interruption. If the pass is completed, the
disc is returned to the       thrower after a check and the
stall count is resumed from the point of       interruption.
      Should a foul or violation result in possession
reverting to a thrower who was airborne while releasing the
disc, play       shall be restarted at the point on the
playing field proper closest to the       location from
which the throw was made. +++ initiating : To set going by
taking the first step +++

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