The important wording is 'recover the relevant position' i.e. the obstructed player may step round the bloke who was in the way, to re-establish the 5 yards away (or whatever). He may not actually catch up his man


From: "John Paul Taylor" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [BD] no Pick rule?
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 08:25:58 +0000

  If a pick is called play stops the second it is called.  Players must
  return to the place they were at this point (because you may not have
  heard it or at the very least will have not been able to stop dead
  from a sprint).

  i.e. If you were 5 yards behind your man when you called pick, you
  must remain 5 yards behind him or catch up to be 5 yards behind.

  Hope this helps (and I'm right!!)

  >From: Chris Rowlands <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
  >Subject: [BD] no Pick rule?
  >Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 00:28:17 -0700 (PDT)
  >OK - whenever I've played, a call of Pick results in a
  >stoppage of play, the picked player is then
  >immediately allowed to catch up to his man, and play
  >is resumed with a check. After a quick hunt through
  >our WFDF rulebook
  >there's no rule covering either catching up to your
  >man or whether you can still call a pick if the person
  >you're marking is a long way away from you. The
  >closest I can get is section 404.14.C:
  >Picks: No player may establish a position, or move in
  >such a manner, so as to obstruct the movement of any
  >player on the opposing team. In the event of a pick,
  >the obstructed player shall immediately call "Pick,"
  >loudly. Play shall then be stopped and be resumed only
  >after a check, with the stall count resuming from the
  >point of interruption or to five if the count is over
  >UPA 10th Edition rules
  >( are much
  >more specific. Section XVI.K states:
  >Picks: 1. No offensive player may move in such a
  >manner to cause a defensive player guarding a receiver
  >to be obstructed by another player. Obstruction may be
  >the result of contact with, or the need to avoid, the
  >offending player. To do so while the obstructed
  >defensive player is within three meters of the
  >receiver is a "pick".
  >2. In the event of a pick:
  >a. the obstructed player must immediately call "Pick"
  >b. Play stops and is restarted with a check, unless
  >the continuation rule [XVI.G] applies.
  >c. The obstructed player is allowed to recover the
  >relative position lost because of the pick
  >Should we be trying to update the WFDF rules, since
  >playing according to them means that as soon as a pick
  >is called, play stops, all players stay where they are
  >and play resumes?
  >Apologies if this has been noted before.
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