Here's a full (unofficial) listing:

20 and 21 have different points totals to those quoted earlier by Jon,
due to a small oversight on his part;
there's the possibility that 21 may be Cardiff (finishing higher at T3)
rather than Abstract, as they have equal points at the moment, but I
don't know whether either are Geo.

@       TEAM                            T1      T2      T3      TOTAL
1       FireOfLondon1           222     230     250     702
2       Clapham1                        202     250     230     682
3       LeedsLeedsLeeds         250     222     210     682
4       ChevronActionFlash      230     210     222     662
5       Fusion1                 182     202     202     586
6       Emo                             141     182     182     505
7       PlasticFactory1         190     141     170     501
8       BrightonUltimate1               150     190     141     481
9       BAF                             170     110     190     470
10      LtdRelease1                     130     150     150     430
11      SheffieldSteal1         121     130     130     381
12      Clapham2                        210     170     -       380
13      FireOfLondon2           165     165     -       330
14      Discuits1                       68      90      165     323
15      PlasticFactory2         90      121     101     312
16      No-Lo                           110     90      110     310
17      PaddyMurphy                     73      77      121     271
18      TenaciousDevon1         78      101     90      269
19      FlyghtClub1                     90      69      90      249
20      MMJ                             60      74      70      204
21      Abstract                        101     63      37      201*

22      CardiffUltimate1                70      58      73      201*
23      UTB1                            75      36      77      188
24      Schnell                 63      72      50      185
25      StrangeBlue                     50      66      67      183
26      TriggerHappy            58      55      60      173
27      LordsOfTheRing1         53      47      63      163
28      ABH                             65      33      57      155
29      LuckyHuckers            45      61      40      146
30      AyeAye                  38      52      43      133
31      Discuits2                       48      50      33      131
32      BrightonUltimate2               40      30      23      93

33      Motion                  30      39      -       69
34      GBJuniors2                      25      41      -       66
35      BoogieKnights           28      14      20      62
36      LtdRelease2                     35      22      -       57
37      Fusion2                 55      -       -       55
38      SheffieldSteal2         10      17      27      54
39      SuperMannSchaft         -       -       53      53
40      GBJuniors1                      8       44      -       52
41      FlyghtClub2                     18      19      13      50
42      Red                             -       -       47      47
43      Shaft                           43      -       -       43
44      TenaciousDevon2         13      6       17      36
45      NorthernLights          33      -       -       33
46      SuperKlute                      -       -       30      30
47      TooManyPies                     -       28      -       28
48      Discuits3                       -       25      -       25
49      YorkUltimate            3       11      10      24
50      BAF2                            23      -       -       23
51      UTB2                            15      -       7       22
52      Sublime                 20      -       -       20
53      LordsOfTheRing2         5       8       3       16
54      Airwolf                 -       3       -       3

Subject to the results of T4, the ranking above also gives an indication
of potential qualification and seeding for Nationals (a 32 team
knockout, qualification and seedings based on overall Tour Ranking,
unless plans have changed!?)

Wayne 'Wrecker' Retter


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