hey all,

apologies now for those who dont care...hit the delete
button now...

following my previous announcement about EIOs for
attending this event, i've since been inundated with
requests. Apologies this hasnt gone out earlier, but
a) i've been trying to sort through all the emails you
eager beavers have been sending me :-p, b) we were
waiting til spetember to start worrying about this
event at our end, and c) i've been busy...

BOTH SECTIONS of the tourney (16 team beginners, 8
team experienced) ARE NOW FULL with EIOs, and have
reserve lists to boot. 

Below are the lists of the teams we are now expecting
cheques from. In fairness, and in consultation with
the club-captain/members of the Phat 'eds committee,
places have been allocated on the basis of who asked
first combined with a statement of definate intent of
attendance...sorry to have to disapoint some people,
but we cant accomodate you all, or rely on

Please can teams with allocated spots contact me asap
if you now want to decline your spot - in the event of
a declined entry, teams on the reserve list will then
be contacted consequently.


1)  Phat 'eds 1
2)  Phat 'eds 2
3)  Jedi 1
4)  Jedi 2
5)  Fingers Six 1
6)  Fingers Six 2
7)  York 1
8)  York 2
9)  Northern Lights
10) Hulltimate
11) Jesters
12) Bears
13) Mental Discs
14) Too Many Pies
15) Disciples
16) Boogie Knights

Beg. Reserves:
Random Fling
Bears 2

1) Phat 'eds
2) Jedi
3) Fingers 6
4) York
5) Hulltimate
6) Curious Bacon
7) Leeds Leeds Ladies
8) Hullumni

Exp Reserves:
Boogie Knights
Random Fling


ENTRY FEE as ever is set at: 

£90.00 per team.

Please make cheques payable to: 

"T. Howard"

Please post cheques asap, to:

2 Bosworth Street
South Yorkshire
S10 1HB

If the cheque is from a personal bank account, please
write your team name on the back of the cheque, so i
know who its from.


Please include the following details, on a separate
piece of paper, with your cheque, and also email me a
copy of the details as well please:

*Team Name
*Team contact/contact name
*Contact mobile
*contact email
*How many players will you be bringing?
*How many of your players will be partying?
*Whether you need accomodation? On just Friday? Or
both Friday/Saturday nights?


aplogies to those we had to turn away, but if you're
keen to play then there are two other beginners
tournaments running the same weekend to choose from
(Southampton / Glasgow) so i urge you to try and get a
spot in either of those as an alternative. Otherwise
there's Loughborough and the ever-classy edinburgh
beginners the weekend after.


Tom Howard

Sheffield Beginners TD
Phat 'eds

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