Fancy introducing some of your work colleagues to Ultimate?  A few of you
play at the office and you reckon it's time to form up as a team?  

Well now's your chance.  After the success of the last Corporate Ultimate
Tournament, some of us that took part are already clamouring for another
one, so that's what we're doing on Saturday 8th October.  Currently we have
five teams who're planning on turning up - OvaThrow (Ove Arup), Thundering
Herd, Stacks & Switches (Data Connection), KPMG and Sapient, but the more
the merrier!

Now, obviously there aren't many corporate Ultimate teams out there at the
moment, but hey this is your opportunity to start sowing the seeds where you
work.  To help with that there are two things I'd like to say:

- If you can't field a full team, then we'll accept entries for a half team
and we'll pair you up to form joint teams
- Some of the big London firms must have enough players to field a team!
Come on you guys at Deloittes, PwC etc - if KPMG can do it, can't you?
- There'll be plenty of beginners, so bring along some of your office.  We
promise we'll be friendly!

I've put more details below, but if you have any questions drop me an email.




- £10 entry per team to cover prizes
- Saturday 8th October
- Play on Clapham Common from 10:30am (to be confirmed)
- Games will probably last about 45 minutes
- Team players must be genuinely associated with the company (employees,
partners, ex-employees) - no random pickups please
- If you can't get a full team together than you can enter a half team of at
least four people and we'll create joint teams

While I'm at it I might as well take this opportunity to advertise the UK
Corporate Ultimate yahoo group again:

BritDisc mailing list
Staying informed -

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