Hi Folks, 
The debate for the splitting of next season is ongoing and will
hopefully be resolved soon. In the meantime however, I am now collecting
expressions of interest about hosting tournaments next year.  
If you are potentially interested in hosting a tournament then please
send an email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the subject line:
Hey I want to host a tournament
Stating the venue, number of fields, the type of event you would like to
host.  IF you also know dates you could get then this would be great.
If not then simply an idea of roughly when you would be looking to host
an event will suffice.
Alternatively if you know of a good venue, but dont really want to host
the event, could you send me an email with subject line:
Yo I know a great place to play Ultimate
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] stating the venue, number of fields, and any
other useful information.  
It is my hope to collect a database of suitable venues so that we can
get next years (and subsequent years) calendars sorted asap.  
Thanks for your help.
PS.  It really would be helpful if you could use the provided subject


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BritDisc mailing list
Staying informed - http://www.ukultimate.com/informed.asp

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