Just a reminder of the skills day that we're running this Saturday
from 10am.  Details below - uni teams, bring all your beginners.

If you want to come then feel free to just turn up, although if you
can let me know roughly how many of you to expect it would be useful.

We currently have around 50 people attending, but the more the merrier.


On 9/23/05, Sion Scone <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> EMO are hosting a skills day in Leicester on Saturday 8th October,
> from 10am.  The session is aimed at all players, but particularly
> beginners and intermediate players and university teams who think they
> could use some coaching from a top UK team.  We would like to ask
> university teams to come and bring as many people as possible;
> hopefully we can have a huge gathering of people to teach.
> If you are an experienced player and would like to help out, then
> please get in touch; all offers welcome.
> If you want to learn how to improve your offensive (throwing, catching
> etc ) and defensive (forces, marking etc) skills then this could be
> for you.
> Details:
> Meet: War Memorial, Victoria Park, Leicester, 10am Saturday 8th October
> Map: 
> http://multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=460000&Y=303000&width=500&height=300&gride=&gridn=&srec=0&coordsys=gb&db=freegaz&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&zm=0&scale=10000&up.x=60&up.y=5
> Parking is available off Granville Road.  Trains are easy, check the map.
> It would be appreciated if captains could distribute this to their
> teams, and get in touch with rough numbers of how many people are
> coming.
> Please get people to bring:
> water
> warm clothes
> discs
> Any questions, just ask
> I hope to see you there
> Brummie

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