OK, so I've knocked together some rules for indoors; but let's face it, I'm an eejit. I can't be trusted to do it properly. So I emailed them off to some folk and Wayne Retter had some very helpful suggestions. But no-one else replied yet.

So - who wants to be on a rules committee?

You must have played at least 5 indoor tournaments, and been playing for at least 2 years.

First 3 people who reply (plus me and Retter) will sort out the fine print. (Can't have a committee of 20 folk, so just the first 3...)

Main points to be sorted out -

Pull Rule (just the exact wording - I know we've already had a vote, thank you)
Time between points, and time outs (if there are any)
Possible limit on how long you can take to put the disc in play after a turnover.


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