All, You will be aware that the UKUA Board has agreed a split season with 3 Mixed Tour events and Nationals held between April and June inclusive. However, other changes, outlined below will also take effect in 2006.
Tour Event Format and Venues
Teams attending international events have expressed an interest in the Mixed tour more closely matching the conditions these events are played under. Therefore, for 2006, Tour events are strictly limited to 24 teams at this stage, with use of relegation and a waiting list if they are oversubscribed. The Mixed Tour schedule for 2006, based on the pre-2004 Open Tour format, caters for 24 teams on eight pitches, and will be used at the three Tour events. All games will be 75-minutes to 15 (plus two-point cap). All 2006 Mixed Tour venues should provide 8 pitches and this will allow the 2006 Mixed division to have continuity of schedules.
For 2006 Mixed Nationals will be a 16-team event with full 90 minute-plus-cap games. Qualification is only be open to teams that have attended all three Tour events and will be determined by points gained during the Mixed Tour.
Rostering rules will reflect the current A-Tour process used in the open division, as people should be committing to a team at the start of the season for the rest of the year. This would be reflected in the Mixed Tour rules. Overall, we would prefer Mixed teams to be organised along the lines of open an women’s teams, and plan for the full season in advance of Tour 1, as this will allow TDs and the Mixed Committee to organise and run a better season for all.
Given the potential for an increase in the number of players wishing to play on the Mixed Tour due to the split season, it is requested that clubs notify the Mixed Committee as soon as possible of their interest in playing on the Tour. It would be helpful if this could include
1. The number of Tour events, you are likely to want to play.
2. Whether your club could potentially enter more than one team. This is so that the potential for increasing the size of the Mixed Tour to 28 or 32 teams can be determined. NB: only multiples of four will be considered. If enough interest is shown, then venues able to provide 12 pitches will be sought and given preference. Regards,
The Mixed Committee
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