
So we've reached that time of year again - the excitement and drama of the
UKUA Board elections - or do I mean the antipathy and confusion?  

Many people have valuable skills and strong opinions about Ultimate in the
UK - but are don't really understand what is involved or are not sure that
they have the time to get involved.  The Board is made up of a small number
of players (like everyone else, no more or less) who give up between 5/6
hours a week and 3/4 hours a month. You are only expected to give what time
and energy you can spare (and have promised!) Communication is almost
entirely done by email or the phone.  

Usually each member of the Board has one (or two) areas of particular
interest - for example Mixed, Women's or PR - they may sit on the relevant
sub-committee or liaise with other volunteers and keep communication flowing
etc.  Its not difficult - the main criteria is that magic ability to
actually do what you say you will do (promising less and doing it all is
much better than promising lots and doing less).

In addition all 3 named posts on the Board are up for election: 

Director of Competitions: Whose role is to coordinate the overall tournament
dates and communication between the sub committees for each division.
(Traditionally the DoC role was a nightmare as it involved doing everything
for everyone - we are working on changing this so that the work is spread
amongst more people and the DoC's role is only to coordinate and avoid

Treasurer: Looking after our money.  Some experience of accounts necessary
for this one.

Chairman: Responsible for coordinating the UKUA and chairing meetings. (NB I
will not be standing as Chairman again this year)

If you are coming to the Conference this weekend you'll have a chance to
meet several of the current Board, find out what we (try and) do and ask us
awkward questions.  

Of course, if the Board seems too much or you would like to concentrate in
one area (division, region etc) then there are still plenty of ways to get
involved.  There are volunteer subcommittees appointed by the Board to
ensure the smooth running of most areas of UK Ultimate.  Email
[EMAIL PROTECTED] to find out more (or come and speak to us at the

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
Behalf Of UKUA Administrator
Sent: 10 November 2005 11:20
To: britdisc@near.me.uk
Subject: [BD] Board Elections

It is time to start electing a new UKUA Board.
If you would like to stand for next years board then go to 
This is your chance to influence the direction of UK Ultimate and to give
something back to the sport.  
The UKUA has made great strides this year, with the implementation of the
coaching course, the new calendar, an increase in membership, improved media
coverage of our sport and so on.  We need new people to continue to push
things forward however.
Please send your intention to stand manifesto to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by
November 25, 2006.
Please consider standing for the board!
UKUA Administrator.

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